Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's getting nearer now

Footstep of 12nd March 2009 is approaching now, getting nearer and nearer. My heart is beating. Nervous. The feeling is just messy. No one could understand the feeling, except Janis. Haha~ Both of us having same feeling at the same time. Ya, she got what I mean and me too. Do not why, I know it's pointless in this posting. Maybe I'm very eager to express my feeling through blog. Oh no..........Arghh......Haihhhhh~~~ My god..........

"希望越大,失望越大; 期望越大,压力越大" This sentence is really true. And Janis, I got what you said.......


Janis said...

Life goes on no matter what..
just pray for the best..=)

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